

Harvesting the Crops

By the time the crop is ready to be harvested, months of work and investment have already gone into it. It’s exciting seeing the fields turn golden, but harvest is a critical point in the season, with a high risk of losing the crop if the quality falls below that required for the human food chain. Combine harvesters for bringing in grain are hugely expensive if you don’t have one and need to rely on contractors; this poses risks of which you should be aware.



4. Harvesting the Crops

Here we explore the following aspects of harvesting your crops:

4.1 When to Harvest the Crop?
4.2 What Needs to be in Place Before Harvesting?

4.3 Using contractors
4.5 Straw for Housing
4.6 Key risks at this stage
4.7 Community Involvement

4. Harvesting the Crops Checklist.PDF

4. Harvesting the Crops Checklist.PDF